Just benchmarked the 1002HA that I received yesterday. Here are the results. I’ve compared it to its more expensive sibling: EEE S101 (review), which uses 16GB SSD instead of HDD.
First, CrystalDiskMark benchmark on the 1002HA:
Results of Crystaldiskmark on S101. S101’s SSD completely nails the HDD of 1002HA
Now, here are the results of Crystalmark on 1002HA:
..and of S101’s. As you can see, the scores are nearly identical except in the HDD department.
Stay tuned for the full review which will be coming in few days as I am using the machine heavily, which will let me to publish the review as-soon-as possible
Update – The reviews are up. Review of ASUS EEE 1002HA
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