HTC One Max Ultra Lite ROM Download

If you are looking for an ultra tweaked out ROM for HTC One Max, xda developers has got you covered. It is said to be clean, smooth and stable that is it is totally bloat free.

Features of it.

HTC One Max Ultra Lite ROM Download

Built off VZW Shipped ROM 1.11.605.4
All apps up to date
Super De-bloated – Most everything is gone.
Blink Feed Remains but in its purest form; no social networking integration. See post #2 for zip to add back in!
ROM only has the English Keyboard. See post #2 for the rest of the keyboards!
Performance and battery enhancements
init.d support
Ringtones from Note 3 and Nexus 5
Typical CleanROM speed and stability!

You can download it from here. It comes without social networking integration that normally comes preloaded on the stock ROM. However, you can easily install it by installing this.