Lark FreeMe X2 7.2 Specs Price

Not every kid has rich parents. So, Lark has released a cheap tablet for the youth that usually do not have a lot of money to spend on a tablet. For just EUR 47 / PLN 199, you can the FreeMe X2 7.2 tablet that has dual core processor, 512 MB of memory and Android 4.2.2 jelly bean operating system.

Lark FreeMe X2 7.2 Specs Price

Lark FreeMe X2 7.2 Specs include 7 inch screen, dual core 1 GHz processor, 512 MB RAM, built in 4 GB flash storage, and Android 4.2.2 OS. To get you online, Lark has included a 802.11n Wi-Fi module as well.

There is also an HDMI port, micro USB for connecting it to the computer and headphone jack. To power all that, Lark FreeMe X2 7.2 has a built in 3000 mAh battery which should easily last you through the day.

As said earlier, the Lark FreeMe X2 7.2 price is 199 PLN or 47 euro.