MSI X-Slim 320 – MSI’s answer to Apple Macbook Air

MSI is all set to introduce a 13.4-inch notebook, which runs Intel Atom processor. The display has an aspect ratio of 16:9 and weighs a modest 1.3kg. It is incredibly thin too having a depth of just 1.98cm. X-Slim 320 originally comes with a 4-cell battery inside it’s box, but there is also a 8-cell battery which can give you nearly 10 hours of battery life.

MSI X-Slim 320 - MSI's answer to Apple Macbook Air

It also comes with 3 USB ports,  RJ-45 port and card reader. With the rumored price of around $999, this clearly makes it more “bang for a buck” than the Apple’s Macbook Air, which also looks very similar to X-Slim 320 by MSI.

Coming back to the use of Intel Atom processor in MSI X-Slim 320, does this make it a netbook? I guess we will soon have to change the main definition of netbook to one of the following soon:

Any device bigger than 7″ that runs a full Desktop OS and is capable of accessing the Internet


Any device that runs Intel Atom processor

I admit the last definition is pretty vague considering the fact that the HP also has plans to use Atom processor in one of their upcoming Notebooks. Netbooks were origianally meant to act like those cheap mini-laptops that offered full desktop OS and could quickly connect us to the Internet. But now, as the Atom is now being used in bigger devices, should them also be considered as netbook?

What are you thoughts?