NoStylusWarning application won't let you loose that stylus [Windows Mobile] [HTC DIAMOND]

I’m sure many of us have lost their stylus some way or other. This little application called “NoStylusWarning” comes from a person who lost his stylus twice and finally decided to write an application which monitors the stylus state (if it is in there or not).

– notification icon and balloon for switched on device
– vibration for suspended device
– monitoring g-sensor to detect moving
– monitoring light sensor to detect stylus loosing in pocket/pouch
– running in unattended mode to detect events in suspended mode
– smart minimize (X using your default setting, to minimize, use the menu)

Installation / requirements:
– .Net 3.5 is required as well as an HTC device with g-light and stylus sensor (which includes HTC DIAMOND, TOUCH PRO and TOUCH HD)
– just copy the EXE file to your device via activesync’s explore feature along with the sensors.dll to the same directory on the device. Then, you may create a shortcut to the Start Menu>Programs to easily launch the application.

Download this nifty application

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