i-mate is not dead! I-mate to launch a new smartphone at Mobile World Congress [Windows Mobile]

To all those who though that i-mate is dead, you are all wrong. I-mate is all set to launch it’s revolutionary device powered by Windows Mobile at Mobile World Congress, 2009 that is going to be held next month.

i-mate will be unveiling its brand new product – one which sees them break new grounds with a revolutionary mobile device that’s like nothing else.

We have seen in the past too that i-mate often announces great devices, but fails to deliever them at right time. A couple of years back, when they announced their revolutionary “Ultimate series”, they promised to shake the whole mobile market, but they failed to deliver them on time. Nearly after an year, they came out with “ultimate range”. But, by then, they were already surpassed by the competition and the whole “ultimate range” utimately failed.

We hope that their so-called “revolutionary” device is made available in the market soon after it’s announcement.

via MSmobiles