Download Un Official XDA Reader

We are huge fans of XDA portal. After all, it is the most active developer community in the world. Now, a developer called Eatheat has churned out an app to read the news feed. The app is called XDA Reader, and it offers a lot of features. It has a slick Holo user interface, and has 4x built in themes.  Here are its list of features.

Download Un Official XDA Reader

Loads image and text in both the lists and the detailed view.
Loads feeds by asynctask. No heavy load on main UI.
10 latest posts from the Portal.
Ability to swipe through detail view to go on to the next feed.
Offline reading.
Complete Holo UI.
4 inbuilt themes to choose from.
Live preview of new theme directly on screen. No need to restart every time to select your choice. However, restart of app is need for applying the full theme.

There are two versions – free and pro. The pro adds these 3 features.

Get 12 inbuilt themes.
Ability to switch to full screen.
Ability to use expanded mode removing the StatusBar and the ActionBar.

[Free version link] [Pro version download link]

Nokia India Offering Buy Back Scheme for Lumia 1020

Now, you can get the Nokia Lumia 1020 for INR 13,500 (~ $215) cheaper under buy back scheme. Under this scheme, consumers can exchange their old smartphones and can avail a discount of INR 13,500 over the MRP. Following list of smartphones can be used in buy back scheme. This means you can get it for INR 47,222 (MRP) – INR 13,500 = INR 33,722 ($ 538), which is an excellent price for an unlocked, contract free phone.

Continue reading “Nokia India Offering Buy Back Scheme for Lumia 1020”

Acer not much interested in Windows Mobile – going to launch its first Android handset in September

Last month at the MWC 2009, Acer displayed their upcoming handset. At that time, nothing was known about the OS that handset was using. Most of us thought that it is certainly going to be a Windows Mobile OS as they bought Eten last year, which was a Windows Mobile manufacture. Now, according to a confidential source, Acer has chosen Google Android as its OS. There are two main reason for it:

  • Open Source
  • Popular demand

Nothing else is known about the upcoming handset other than the OS it is using. Acer not using Windows mobile is not going to make the Windows Mobile fans much happy. Already, HTC, SAMSUNG, LG and Motorola have joined the Android league. Now, Acer is also a part of the league. Who is next? We guess, SONY ERICSSON

[via businessmirror]

Palm's new website

The Palm has updated the looks of their website. It looks better and more user-friendly although it feels a little slower than the previous one.

May be they are all set for their rumored new unveiling. Palm, don’t let us down this time! Now, if only they could pay same attention to their devices..

Go to

Thanks Minie for the tip!

Android Dev Phone 1: a SIM-unlocked and hardware-unlocked G1 – just $399

Google never leaves a chance to surprise us. It has unvieled the Dev Phone 1, which is fully SIM unlocked, which means that you are not bound to use the T-mobile SIM.  Also, it is hardware unlocked which means that the bootloader is not locked and can use custom bootloaders in the future, if required. Also, it would let you use custom builds of Android.

However, in order to get one of these, you must register yourself as a Android developer at the Android market place, which requires a $25 setup fee too. Shipping is free, if you live in US. It is also projected to be shipped to 18 countries!

Link to the Android market place

Facebook Panel for Sony Ericsson Xperia X1 released

A die-hard facebook fan and own a Sony Ericsson Xperia X1? Well, SE has released an exciting facebook panel for Xperia X1. It lets you do all the usual stuff like checking friend’s status, write on wall, check latest photos and much more!

facebook panel xperia x1

It would have been great if Sony Ericsson would released it for all windows mobile devices and not just Xperia X1

Anyway, here is it’s official page from where you can download