Our insiders at Samsung have told us that they have received stocks of Samsung Galaxy Note Edge and it will go on sale in India with a retail price tag of INR 63,500/- which makes it a full INR 1000 more expensive than the iPhone 6 Plus. We expected it to be around 5000 rupees more expensive than the Note 4 which is currently on sale for 58,500 rupees.
Our insider told us that top models of Samsung are imported from outside and it takes few months before the company can start assembling the phones here. So during the first few months you get CBU (completely build units) imported from outside and after 3-4 months, the same models is assembled in India which in turns reduces the overall price tag drastically.
Samsung Galaxy Note Edge features a 5.6 inch display packing whopping 1600 x 2560 pixel resolution, 32 / 64 GB flash storage, 3GB of RAM and 16MP camera. All of this is powered by its removable 3000 mAh battery.