Google Android on a Netbook? Yes, it is now possible!

Who would have thought of doing that? Well, not us, but the folks at VentureBeats thought of doing so and they have been able to run the Google Android OS on the ASUS EEE 1000H. After some work, they were able to get Graphics, Sound and even Wireless working on it. An interesting point to note is that the Android was actually able to adjust itself according to the resolution of the EEE 1000H.

Google Android on a Netbook? Yes, it is now possible!

Sadly, since they were using the Open Source version, which does not include the Android Market. This deprived them of downloading applications to their Android EEE (yet)

It is great that very soon, there will be an option to run the Google Android, but with a Netbook, which has the capability to run full OS like Windows XP, Vista or any Linux Distro, it makes less sense to run such a “weak” mobile OS. Let us better leave them for the ARM devices :)

Also read  ASUS EEE 904HA REVIEW

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