More (Real) Screenshots of the Windows Mobile 6.5 [Windows Mobile]

Here are some more (leaked) screenshots of the Windows Mobile 6.5. The first screenshot that you see is the use of same homescreen that you see in the Windows Mobile Standard edition that the non-touchscreen Windows Mobile devices. The second screenshot shows the honeycomb screen. It appears to be a separate program that can be launched from anywhere as it overlaps the program currently running. This would provide immediate access to basic phone and PIM functions. One can also access the settings from here.

The usage of a really stupid looking bird is quite funny though

More screenshots after the break

We can also see the use of new finger friendly buttons in the IE mobile 6. They look much like the Opera Mobile 9.5 for Windows Mobile. There is also a onscreen zoom function in IE mobile.

Then, we have the lock-unlock screen, which shows the time, date and number of unread messages and missed calls.

The new Windows Mobile 6.5 is rumored to be announced at the Mobile World Congress going to be held in February next month. We can expect more information to be revealed.

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