Nokia to enter Netbook market?

Nokia is in talks with the various Taiwan notebook manufactures for its possible entry to the netbook market. Compal Electronics and Foxconn are top-two potential partners, which are likely to get the order from Nokia for its netbook production. According to Digitimes, Nokia is still yet to choose between the Intel Atom platform and Qualcomm Snapdragon platform for its first netbook.

We would certainly like the Nokia to go for the Intel Atom platform as the it will let them to come out with Windows-based netbooks. Qualcomm Snapdragran is being used on the Toshiba TG01 smartphone and we would like to be a smartphone-only processor. Intel Atom or the VIA Nano are much more suitable for making powerful netbooks. Nokia MIDs (N810 and N800) could never make a big splash in either MID market or netbook market. The core reason was the use of proprietary linux distro and slow processor.