Reason why Netbook manufactures are not going to embrace the 1.86Ghz Intel Atom processor (Z540)

The famous N270 Intel Atom processor, which is clocked at 1.6GHz is still selling like hot cakes and the netbook and nettop manufactures are still going in for the N270 processor instead of 1.86GHz processor. Ever wondered why? The reason is simple: COST. The Z540, Intel’s 1.86GHz processor costs more than twice of what N270 retails at.

The  Z540 costs $135, whereas the N270 costs just $44. Clearly, OEM simply won’t want to use a processor that costs nearly $100 more than the tried-and-tested N270 processor. Intel needs to keep the costs low for the Atom processor range so that more netbook manufactures embrace the Z540 processor. After all, overall price matters a lot in the netbook field. Also, $100 price difference is huge gap when we are talking about netbooks

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[via Fudzilla]

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