Resco Brain Games 2009 released! [Windows Mobile]

Resco has updated the Brain Games and now supports the devices with WVGA screens and WQVGA screens. The game also now includes:

– 44 brain training games
– manageable favorites
– profiles
– improved graphics
– and many more…

So, now the users of WVGA screens which includes users of HTC TOUCH HD and SE XPERIA X1 can now play this exciting game. It is nice to see the WQVGA users, which includes Samsung Omnia can also play this game now.

Note: All Resco Brain Games users, who have purchased the game within the last 60 days, are entitled to obtain the newly released v3.0 for free. Owners of Resco Brain Games 2.x can upgrade to Brain Games 2009 for half price.

[resco brain games]