Vito SMS-Chat reviewed! – version 1.16

Want the best and easiest way to manage your SMSes? The messaging application of the Windows Mobile a lot to be desired. VITO SMS-chat is one application that promises to fill the gap.

Now, what gaps am I talking about? Well, you will know them all and the cure of all of them after reading this review.

Superb and elegant Interface

Take a look at the below given screenshot. One would easily think that it is not from Windows Mobile as it has never been so finger friendly. Thanks to great guys at Vito Technology, they came up with a extremely finger friendly application. You don’t need to take out that small stylus anymore just to read an SMS or to send an SMS. The main window contains all the SMS chats that you have done so far. They are sorted by date.

The yellow message depicts that the message is unread so far.

Sending SMS has never been so friendly!

If you want to send an SMS to the one with whom you already have received SMSes, just click on the person’s name in the main window. The chat between that person and you will be shown to know in a well organized format. The smileys are also shown and they animate! :)

To start a new SMS-chat, click . Then, you will be provided with a finger friendly list where all the contacts of your device will be listed. Selecting the desired contacts behaves just like it does on an iPhone. You can flip up and down to scroll up and down respectively. You can also use the side strip containing the alphabets to go to the contact more quickly.

You can also bring the keyboard up, if you want. It will start searching the contacts as you type in the characters. In the following screenshot, I typed in Ka and it narrowed the search immediately.

Settings and Customizations

The main menu is brought up by clicking .

Template support

The VITO-SMS also has template support. The templates are pre-defined messages that can be used to quickly respond to the other person. They are extremely helpful when you are in a meeting or when you are driving :!:  To add a new message to the Template, just type the desired words in the little window and press “+”.

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