What Windows Mobile phones will you find at CeBIT 2009?

MSmobiles have given a summary of what various Windows Mobile companies have taken part in the CeBIT 2009 trade show.

  • HTC has stand in Hall 26, Stand A40 – where HTC Touch Diamond 2 and HTC Touch Pro 2 are being presented
  • Garmin (Hall 15, Stand D08) and Asus (Hall 26, Stand D39) are presenting phones that are result of their cooperation and some of these phones are Windows Mobile powered
  • Pearl (Hall 25, Stand D40) is presenting ultra-cheap Windows Mobile phones for German market (price: 100-200 Euro)
  • T-Mobile Germany operator is located in Hall 26, Stand A01 and is presenting HTC-manufactured Windows Mobile -powered T-Mobile MDA Compact V and T-Mobile MDA Vario V
  • new trend: several manufacturers, including Asus, Sony, MSI as well as mobile operators, are presenting at CeBIT 2009 many netbooks with built-in HSDPA; notably Asus is presenting across the line many models with built-in HSDPA (3G)

Windows Mobile phones costing just 100-200 euros sound interesting. It is definitely nice to see Windows Mobile going ultra-cheap