OmiseGo vs TenX: Difference between OMG and PAY

There are two new crypto currencies in the market – TenX (PAY) and OmiseGo (OMG). Both have many similar features – they are both coded to deliver service payments in crypto currencies like debit or credit cards with a motive to make cross-crypto currency transactions as easy as possible for the seller and buyer. The seller would be able to accept TenX or OmiseGo easily. However, there are many differences between TenX and OmiseGo.

OmiseGo vs TenX: Difference between OMG and PAY

For OmiseGo – think about it as payment over the web using an app, walking into a store and paying with an app, but this is the merchants OWN app, merchants own branding that any merchant can create quickly and easily using OMISEGo SDK.

On the other hand, TenX works on the buyer or in other words, user workflow. It shall be noted that OmiseGo and TenX are not competing with each other. However, it is interesting to note that Vitalk, who is the founder of Ethereum is investor in both. So, I would not be surprised if a future collaboration between OMG and TenX is announced. I think one can store OmiseGo in myetherwallet but I am not too sure.

So which one is better for investment? If you have limited budget, TenX is better since its price is lower than OmiseGo. However, OmiseGo has massive sell and buy walls so it will break the 15 dollar barrier in coming days.

Also, TenX has reward program while there is none for OmiseGo users. TenX gives .5% reward for token holders and .1% for card holders. TenX will also give a card that will work anywhere where the Visa is accepted. This functionality is absent in OmiseGo but it has its own share of advantages.