Apple Mac Mini 2014 Europe Release date and pricing details

We finally have concrete details about release date and price for the Apple Mac Mini 2014. The prices start at the €519 and go up to €1019 for the top end model that comes with whopping 16 GB of memory.

The starting model comes with Core i5 1.4GHz processor, 4 gigabytes of memory, 500GB hard disk drive. Second model retails for €719 which offers Core i5 2.6GHz processor, 8GB RAM and 1 tera bytes of hard disk drive.

The top end Core i7 variant comes with 16GB memory and costs €1019. Ports selection include USB 3.0 ports, thunder bolt, Gigabit Ethernet, Bluetooth 4.0 and Wi-Fi 802.11ac. We will update this post when we get release date details.