Compal to develop netbook based on Android platform

About a month back, we heard rumors of ASUS to come up with Android based netbooks at the end of this year. Looks like, manufactures are thinking that there is a lot of potential in Android-netbooks. May be that is why Compal Communications, a Taiwanese mobile phone manufacture has plans to develop netbooks based on the Android platform. Right now, it is looking for the vendors that may be interested in Android netbooks.

Whenever I hear about such big manufactures talking about making Android based netbooks, only one question arises in my mind, “What is the need of running a mobile phone OS on a nebtook when it can run Windows XP and Windows 7 so nicely“. If the rumors of Android netbook are really true, then I am pretty sure that we will soon start hearing rumors of netbooks coming from Nokia and Apple.

All of my netbooks either run Windows XP or Windows 7. I do not see the need to run a mobile phone OS on my netbook that has the capability to run desktop OS. Period.

[via digitimes]

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