Download Flappy Bird For Windows Phone

Early today, we posted the review of Flappy Bird where we mentioned that it is already available for iOS and Android but not for Windows Phone.

Download Flappy Bird For Windows Phone

Download Flappy Bird clone for Windows Phone

A popular third party developer, Coding For Fun has made an exact replica of Flappy game and is already available in the WP store. The game play and graphics are both same as the original game. Yes, the developer has been a little clear and he has made the night and tubes look different to avoid any problem. Also, the real one has much harder levels. You can download it from here.

Official Version is coming soon

That said, the official version is on the verge of hitting the windows phone marketplace. The developer is working on it and would be released soon. Until then, you can enjoy its clone that is mentioned above and many others that include Birdy Flap, Paddle Fish, FlappyFish, and Jolly Fish. All of them are free except Paddle Fish that costs a dollar. Read our flappy bird review here.

Official Version is coming soon

Lots of look alikes are already there on store

Whether you like it or not, anything that gets too popular these days get cloned within few days – sometimes within few hours.  However,the developer of original game has confirmed these look alikes do not do any harm. After all, would you want to play with rip offs or real ones?