Microsoft Looks To Improve Windows Mobile Music

Microsoft is well aware that one of the key allures of Apple’s iPhone is its music-playing abilities. To counteract that, the software giant said it will focus on improving the music features on its Windows Mobile operating system for smartphones.

“One thing that Apple has leveraged on is the music scenario, and I think that is something the operators and ourselves are partnering on, just to make sure that consumers can use live music in the best way,” Andy Lees, senior VP of Microsoft’s Mobile Business Communication, told Reuters.

Well, iPhone makes a lot of profit for Apple by those iTunes stores. Apple has provided amazing music experience on their ipods and iphones. Now, microsoft is also thinking of providing similar experience to the users.

The current version of the WMP mobile does no justice to the experience provided by it’s desktop brother. True, this is a mobile device, but, it’s user experience is no way even near to the experience provided in the iphone and ipod touch. Anyway, better late than never.

Full article at information week

Styletap now supports iPhone and iPod Touch!

StyleTap today officially confirmed that they plan to bring a version of its StyleTap CrossPlatform environment to the iPhone and the iPod touch platform. The move will essentially bring thousands of Palm OS apps over to the new iPhone platform. StyleTap Palm iPhone

Back in February StyleTap released a video demo of the StyleTap running Palm OS apps on a iPod Touch. The company says they have been overwhelmed by the level of interest and the video has been viewed over 800,000 times.

“The iPhone is one of the hottest new mobile devices out there,” said Gregory Sokoloff, CEO of StyleTap Inc., “And the response to our video has convinced us that many, many consumers, and companies, will eagerly jump at the change to buy iPhone devices if they can continue to run their must-have applications.”

According to the company technically, StyleTap CrossPlatform is an excellent fit with the iPhone, as the powerful processor and large screen allows applications written for Palm OS devices to run at full speed and at full screen resolution. The iPhone touch screen technology works in a very natural way with mobile applications originally designed for touch screen devices.

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