iPhone 3G dissected

Super cool guys at ifixit have successfully dissected the iPhone 3G at 0001h, July 11, 2008! Now that’s cool :D

iFixit.com dudes flew to New Zealand to be the ones first to buy and disassemble the iPhone 3G. Call that madness or craziness!

Click here to know more

..and You Thought the iPhone 3G was cheaper :/

The original iPhone came with $499 and $599 price tags. Then came the iPhone 3G, which was introduced with lower price tags than it’s elder brother, $199 and $299.

Over the course of a two-year contract, the original iPhone user paid $1,839 for hardware and monthly fees. For the iPhone 3G, it comes out to be $1999 for a two-year contract!

The iPhone 3G also comes with exchange support. A catch is there too! While the windows mobile and blackberry users do not have to pay anything for the exchange support, iPhone 3G users will have to pay additional $15 for that.

..so much for being cheaper :o

iPod: How to find software version

Learn how to find out which version of software is installed on your iPod.

You can determine this by navigating to the the About screen or by connecting iPod to your computer and using iTunes or iPod Updater.

Products Affected
iPod, iPod mini, iPod nano, iPod touch
Navigating to the “About” screen on iPod

1. On all iPod models (except iPod shuffle) press the Menu button repeatedly until you see the Main menu.
2. Scroll to and then select Settings.
3. Scroll to and then select About. Note: This may be labeled “Info” on the original iPod.
4. Information about your iPod appears. You should see a line item labeled Version. You will see the software version installed on your iPod listed to the right (see the pictures below for reference).

Continue reading “iPod: How to find software version”

GTalk for Iphone and Ipod Touch

Google has just released in the US a new version of Google Talk designed specifically for the iPhone and iPod Touch browsers. In addition to sending your friends Gmail messages from your iPhone, you can now chat with them while you’re on the move, too! In your iPhone browser, just go to www.google.com/talk, sign in and start chatting. That’s it. Google Talk runs entirely in the browser so there’s no need to download or install anything.

There are some differences from using Google Talk on your computer. For instance, in order to receive instant messages with Google Talk on your iPhone, the application needs to be open in your Safari browser. When you navigate away to another browser window or application, your status will be changed to “unavailable” and your Google Talk session will be restarted when you return.

Continue reading “GTalk for Iphone and Ipod Touch”

Iphone soon to hit China

iPhone gets one step closer to China

Talks about how to bring the iPhone to China have moved from hard-line negotiations to the logistics phase, Reuters is reporting.

During an interview at the Worldwide Developers Conference, Jobs hinted to CNBC that Apple might soon add China to its list of countries where the iPhone will become available. But working out the details of exactly how that will happen hasn’t been easy.

Continue reading “Iphone soon to hit China”

1.3 million people search for 6.9 million Apple iPhones

Nearly 7 million searches for Apple iPhone in a single month. That’s the surprising statistic to emerge from comScore, a company that specializes in measuring the digital world.

comScore has today released the results of a study into iPhone related searches. Conducted during the month of April and covering just the US market, it reveals that there were 6.9 million searches on related keywords during that period.

The full list of popular iPhone search terms is:

1. IPHONE (1,488,000)
2. IPHONE UPDATE (151,000)
3. IPHONE WEB APPS (118,000)
4. IPHONE MMS (101,000)
5. IPHONE 2.0 (75,000)
6. IPHONE 3G (60,000)
7. IPHONE 2 (59,000)
8. IPHONE G3 (43,000)
9. IPHONES (38,000)
10. IPHONE SPEAKERS (35,000)

“Speculation had been rampant in recent months that Apple CEO Steve Jobs was getting ready to introduce a 3G iPhone at Apple’s annual Worldwide Developers Conference on June 9, and indeed he did just that,” said Dan Lackner, comScore Senior VP. “Search is frequently a harbinger of purchase intent. The increase in volume of iPhone searches demonstrates just how heavy that interest has been for the next generation of Apple’s popular phone – even when its existence was still just a rumor.”

Continue reading “1.3 million people search for 6.9 million Apple iPhones”

Google's Android delayed – too late to compete with iPhone?

Undoubtedly, Google sits on the top of search engine business, but, it is now experiencing delays in launch of it’s mobile OS, Android.

“This is where the pain happens,” Andy Rubin, Google’s director of mobile platforms. “We are very, very close.” He was talking about adding features etc requested by carrier partners. I think this is why Jobs was smart in being tyrannical and ignoring carrier requests when it came to software. Google apparently can’t afford to ignore partner requests.

Reports reveal that the OS will be launched in Q4, 2008. I wish I could hear the loud laugh from the Apple’s Steve Jobs! :D

Is the Google Android a little too late to compete with the Jesus phone aka iPhone? :P

iPhone 3G announced!

Today at WWDC, Apple finally “officially” announced the 3G iPhone. This version will come in 2 sizes and comes in at a very good price. The 8gb version is available only in black and will only cost $199 and the 16gb version will come in black and white and will run $299.

What’s new in the 3G iPhone?

  • 3G data
  • Flushed earphone/headphone jack
  • GPS
  • Better Audio

A fishy Apple?

Something is going on at the Apple.com.

Can Apple be cooking something? Preparing/updating pages for Apple iPhone 3G?