McDonalds to install Samsung tablets in UK stores

Our sources have told us that McDonalds is going to install Samsung Galaxy tablets in their UK restaurants. It is their ambition to provide experience of future to its customers. Folks at SOTI will be providing all the games, social media and web browsing apps for the tablets.

McDonalds to install Samsung tablets in uk

Doug Baker says that the Samsung tablets will be an important part in improving the customer experience and allow them to be a part of “Experience of the Future” programme. McDonalds takes immense pride in listening to its customers and trying new and innovative experiences.

There is no word if McDonalds will be trying something like this with the US people. In fact, people in US are discouraged from staying in their restaurants for more than 20 minutes so there is no point in giving tablets to the people which will actually prolong their visits. Clearly things are different in the UK.