Russian arrested for playing Pokemon Go in Church – Ruslan Sokolovsky blogger

A Russian blogger has been arrested for playing popular game, Pokemon Go in Russian church. Ruslan Sokolovsky who is now aged 22 had pleaded to be not guilty but the Yekaterinburg court guilty of insulting religious beliefs and inciting hatredness among people.

Russian arrested for playing Pokemon Go in Church

Ruslan recorded himself playing Pokemon Go by making use of pen with build in video recorder that was later found during search of his home. And while he has already apologized to the religious believers, he did added that his YouTube video was way too cynical for the Russian society.

Ruslan is already in talks with his lawyers on whether he should file an appeal for the verdict or not.

Interestingly, the church had already issued a warning that playing games might push the people under legal consequences. But Ruslan saw this as an opportunity to gather more views and recorded himself playing the popular game, after which we was caught and arrested.

He was found guilty of illegal trafficking special technical equipment and has been ordered to serve jail for the next there and a half years.

We think that the Church is being a bit too harsh and they should have let him go with a warning.