Samsung i900 Omnia!

Rumors are great when they finally come true and the rumored Samsung i900 is finally about to be a reality. Called the Omnia, this is one Windows Mobile device that should be strong competition for the upcoming 3G iPhone and when you look at what this device comes with, it may well top the new HTC Touch Diamond. At a glance you get Windows Mobile 6.1 Pro, a 3.2-inch WideQVGA display (240 x 400 pixels) and an optical mouse much like the one found in the Samsung i780. A 5 megapixel auto focus camera using face and smile detection is a big attraction for those that want a decent camera with their device.  In addition there is a built-in GPS receiver.

Samsung i900 Omnia waistline is only 12.5mm and the brushed metal back certainly adds to its refined looks. That figure along with the other dimensions makes it rather identical to the Apple iPhone. Most importantly the i900 shares with the iPhone the same massive internal memory – both an 8GB and a 16GB i900 versions will be available with the microSD still present for further expanding those with up to 16 gigs worth of storage.