Vito Winterface version 1.2 review – VGA screenshots

With the Microsoft dragging their feet in vamping up the windows mobile operating system interface, other companies as-well-as individuals are finding ways to spruce that old interface. Companies are making what they call “shells”. They are the applications that run on top on the windows interface and give it a new look. Some are the famous ones that are made by HTC  including the Touchflo 3D and Touchflo 2D

A popular shell that has come about is by a company called Vito Technology. This company has numerous types of shell applications that run on windows mobile. They have made their own shell called WinterFace.


The installation can be done either via a CAB or via EXE. CAB is meant to be run on the device itself. EXE has to be run on the desktop. The installation went fine on my HTC Touch Pro.

Great Interface

It offers a  iphone like interface, giving  you  grid with with large icons which are ideal for finger use. To start the application you simply draw a “V” shape on the screen and it will open  winterface. To exit it, simply draw the v upside down. The application also supports VGA screen. I had no problem running it on my HTC Touch Pro.

The grids almost come in a 4×4 pattern, But the last row only has 3 instead of 4. On the first panel, you a have the following icons menu, phone, sms, running, email, battery, profile, clock, memory, settings, Bluetooth status, activesync, calculator, calendar camera.

Clicking on the menu brings up a few options. You have the choice to add  application, settings, contact, files, favorites (web) to the panel.

Adding application icon to the winterface screen:

If you click on the option button, you get the ability to choose whether or not you want to have a lock screen icon and choose your language.

Tapping the running icon brings up all the applications that are running. From here, you can close programs.

Note: When you reach the max number of icons one panel can hold, another panel is automatically added. You can simply swipe across the bottom screen to get to the next panel. You also have the ability to remove most of the icons that come pre-installed with the exception of the running icon and menu. You can do this simply by holding down the screen until the icons start to jiggle . You can also move them into groups by holding down the icon until it pops out and then simple drag it over.

One of the negatives is that all the stock icons have no color to them. The ones you add as-well-as contact’s thumbnails do have color. There is a way to add color but requires you to modify a few files.

Final thoughts

Vito technology did a good job on mimicking the iphone with its swipes, jiggling icons and lock screen. If you have a windows pocket pc and crave a iphone home screen that works and is simple than winterface is for you.

The price of the application is US $16.95 and can the obtained from the following link:

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