Turn Your PC into MEDIA SERVER

google media server

Google has released a software module(windows application) that can turn Windows PCs into devices that streams media files to other devices.

The Google Media Server is a gadget that works on the Google Desktop software. It sends the data to other devices over a Universal Plug-and-Play connection such as a Sony PlayStation 3, according to the Google Desktop blog.

At a touch of a button,you can:

  • Access videos, music, and photos stored on your PC
  • View Picasa Web Albums
  • Play your favorite YouTube videos

With it, people can play videos and music and view photos on a PC. In addition, it can connect to Web sites including Google’s YouTube for video and Google’s Picasa for photos.

Google has made it available for both windows computers and Macintosh. Google’s media server makes use of Google desktop tech such as Windows desktop gadgets that you can pin onto your desktop screen.

Once you are connected to your new media center PC, users will be able to access all sorts of files on your PC including video and audio files. They will also be able to view the Picasa web albums. Of course, youtube video playback is also possible.

For more click here.


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