Acer F1 coming in September. Are you ready iPhone?

After HTC and Toshiba, Acer F1 is going to be the third windows mobile phone to sport a Snapdragon processor. The F1 will come with Windows Mobile 6.5 and Snapdragon processor. However, for some reason, the Acer will only allow to run at 800MHz and not 1GHz. The most obvious reason right now seems to be battery life. The Acer F1 will also come with ATi graphics card and Acer’s own flash-based today screen shell.

We have a lot of hopes on the Acer F1. If the Acer uses their excellent sales channels and aggressive advertisement scheme (the way they did for their Aspire One), it is surely going to be a huge hit.

Price: €560 (about $758).

Acer F1 coming in September

Acer F1 review

Acer F1 specs

[via engadget]